My Daily Smoothie

The saying is always An Apple a Day, Keeps the Doctor Away. Well I tend to eat my daily apple in a smoothie. Last year I did a month long smoothie fast and it was an epic FAIL. However, I did come up with some pretty creative and simple smoothie ideas that I still tend to eat on a normal basis.

What you need is 2 or 3 carrots and 1 red apple.


Be sure to scrub your carrots and your apple. I always buy organic carrots and apples because I don’t like to peel them. I feel like I get more nutrients leaving them intact.

Chop them up and put them in your blender/nutribullet.


Add some water or green tea to your blender to make it smoother. I like mine chunky and I like to eat it with a spoon so I don’t add much.

Then blend that puppy up.


This is the level of chunky I like. Add more liquid if you like to drink it through a straw or something.

These 4 ingredients typically fill 2 small mason jars, and I take one to work for a 2:30 sweet snack.


Then that’s it. Grab a spoon and enjoy! Guilt free =]


#CouchLife ha.

Published by Taelar

An exploration in Veganism, Literature, and Femininity.

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