Why am I Vegan?

Like most of the world, I watched the “What the Health” documentary on Netflix recently and began to question everything and the life I’d been living….Is the sky really blue?!! I think the documentary definitely was vegan propaganda but I also have always felt humans weren’t meant to eat the amount of meat we consume these days. If you think of “hunter-gatherers”, they only ate meat when they caught it, and it was a luxury, and I’ve always felt humans were more “hunter-gatherer” (this is not based in any actual research ha).

Following the documentary, I decided to cut all chicken, beef, pork, and dairy products. I don’t like to actually call myself a vegan though because I have no qualms with honey and I refuse to give it up. If anyone can provide me factual evidence that honey causes me bodily harm then I may give it up, but until then…you can’t have everything!

As for fish…it was not mentioned above because I have not definitively given it up. I don’t actively eat fish or seafood, but I may partake in crab legs or crab cakes once a month. The documentary didn’t really define any true issues with fish besides the farming of them and mercury. So I always make sure I splurge for “wild caught”. Also, I spoken with several doctors regarding the mercury (I work at a hospital), and they all said I’d have to essentially eat-breath-sleep Fish 24/7 to acquire any type of toxic mercury level to my body.

As a new vegan, I am having to change my outlook on food and cooking. I’ve started coming up with new meals that resemble old meals and maintain some since of southern cajun flair to my life.

So am I vegan?…yes-ish. Don’t be a vegan snob and kick me out of the club 🙂

Published by Taelar

An exploration in Veganism, Literature, and Femininity.

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